Chinese Dreams

Piano music from and about China

"Forget any cliché you had about Chinese music until then"

Klassik heute 

Du Mingxin (*1928)

Mermaid Suite


Walter Niemann  (1876-1953)                              

Alt-China – Fünf Traumdichtungen op. 62

1. Die Glocken der Pagode


Wang Luobin/Zhang Zhao (1913-1996)

In that place wholly far away


Abram Chasins  (1903 – 1987)

3 Chinese Pieces

1. A Shanghai Tragedy

2. Flirtation in a Chinese Garden

3. Rush Hour in Hong Kong


Cyril Scott   (1879 – 1970)

Lotus Land op. 47,1


Wang Jianzhong  (*1933)

Silver Clouds Chasing the Moon

Liuyang River

Glowing Red Morningstar Lilies



10 China tours and the appointment as cultural ambassador of Gansu province have led to Lydia Maria Bader's close ties with China. Hailed as the "German Piano Princess" by the Chinese media, her concert tours, often lasting several weeks, have already attracted tens of thousands of visitors from southern China to Inner Mongolia. 


The concert program along the CD "Chinese Dreams" is the bridge between Chinese and Western music: Western works inspired by Chinoiserie meet famous Chinese folk songs that fascinate with their soundscapes and melodic design as well as figurative titles such as "Dance of the Seaweed" or "Silver Clouds Chasing the Moon". It is music overflowing with beautiful melodies; melodies that deserve to be heard outside of China. 



A fascinating East-meets-West album  

BBC Music Magazine


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