Tales of the Sea


 Edward MacDowell  (1860 – 1908)

Sea Pieces op. 55 (Selection)


Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886)

Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este


Ernest Bloch (1880 - 1959)

Poems of the Sea


- Intermission - 


Frank Bridge (1879 - 1941)

A Sea Idyl


Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918)

L’isle Joyeuse


Gustave Samazeuilh (1877 – 1967)

Le chant de la mer     



Three great cycles by Edward MacDowell, Ernest Bloch and Gustave Samazeuilh take you into the vast and adventurous world of the oceans and seafaring.


They tell of icebergs, ocean depths, great voyages and starry nights. Of storms and the following sunrise over the sea.  


With Edward MacDowell and his pictorial "Sea Pieces" we have one of the most popular American composers of the 19th century on the program, as well as the French secret tip Gustave Samazeuilh with his breathtaking cycle "Le chant de la mer".


Alongside these rarely heard treasures of piano literature are the enchanting "Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este" by Franz Liszt as well as Claude Debussy's "L'isle joyeuse" - one of his most famous and ecstatically exuberant piano works.


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